'git 責備' 有什麼作用? - What does 'git blame' do?

語言: CN / TW / HK


I saw a lot of questions about methods of using git blame , but I don't really understand them.我看到很多關於使用git blame方法的問題,但我並沒有真正理解它們。

I see a Blame button on top of files on the GitHub interface.我在 GitHub 界面上的文件頂部看到了一個指責按鈕。 Upon clicking it, it shows some diff with usernames on the left bar.單擊它後,它會在左側欄上顯示與用户名的一些差異。 What does that indicate?這説明什麼?

Why is git blame actually used, apart from GitHub?除了 GitHub 之外,為什麼實際使用了git blame


參考一: http://stackoom.com/question/26vKD
參考二: What does 'git blame' do?