值對的 Java 集合? (元組?) - A Java collection of value pairs? (tuples?)

語言: CN / TW / HK


I like how Java has a Map where you can define the types of each entry in the map, for example <String, Integer> .我喜歡 Java 有一個 Map ,您可以在其中定義地圖中每個條目的類型,例如<String, Integer>

What I'm looking for is a type of collection where each element in the collection is a pair of values.我正在尋找的是一種集合,其中集合中的每個元素都是一對值。 Each value in the pair can have its own type (like the String and Integer example above), which is defined at declaration time.該對中的每個值都可以有自己的類型(如上面的 String 和 Integer 示例),這是在聲明時定義的。

The collection will maintain its given order and will not treat one of the values as a unique key (as in a map).該集合將保持其給定的順序,並且不會將其中一個值視為唯一鍵(如在地圖中)。

Essentially I want to be able to define an ARRAY of type <String,Integer> or any other 2 types.本質上,我希望能夠定義<String,Integer>類型或任何其他 2 種類型的 ARRAY。

I realize that I can make a class with nothing but the 2 variables in it, but that seems overly verbose.我意識到我可以創建一個只有 2 個變量的類,但這似乎過於宂長。

I also realize that I could use a 2D array, but because of the different types I need to use, I'd have to make them arrays of OBJECT, and then I'd have to cast all the time.我也意識到我可以使用 2D 數組,但由於我需要使用不同的類型,我必須將它們設為 OBJECT 數組,然後我必須一直進行轉換。

I only need to store pairs in the collection, so I only need two values per entry.我只需要在集合中存儲對,所以每個條目只需要兩個值。 Does something like this exist without going the class route?如果不走課堂路線,是否存在這樣的事情? Thanks!謝謝!


參考一: http://stackoom.com/question/2BZz
參考二: A Java collection of value pairs? (tuples?)