
2019-09-13 11:35:54



最近,哥倫比亞大學校長Lee C. Bollinger的一篇文章,直接給事件帶來“實錘” :8月30日,美國《華盛頓郵報》刊登了Bollinger 的文章,直接“回懟”了FBI!




“The FBI has stepped up its scrutiny of research practices at college and university campuses — including mine.”


“Law enforcement and intelligence agencies determined to thwart the illegal transfer of intellectual property to foreign rivals are encouraging U.S. academics and administrators to develop more robust protocols for monitoring foreign-born students and visiting scholars — particularly if they are ethnically Chinese.”

(圖片來源:哥倫比亞大學官方網站,校長Lee C. Bollinger)


“At the same time, however, only a fraction of the research conducted on campus is ‘secret’.” 


“Academic research is intended to be shared — released into the public domain to advance human progress. Groundbreaking medical discoveries, agricultural innovations credited with saving billions of people worldwide from starvation, the Internet, artificial intelligence: All are the result of publicly available, university-based research.”



“Consequently, a foreign national need not fly halfway around the world to ‘infiltrate’ our great universities and learn about our latest insights and findings: With some notable exceptions, she can type words into a search engine and peruse peer-reviewed academic journals from the comfort of an office or dorm room overseas. Or, similarly, she can visit the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website, where applications for patent protection provide detailed descriptions of recent innovations.”


“The mission of a university is to foster an open atmosphere conducive to speculation, experimentation and creation. American higher education is the envy of the world not in spite of, but because of, its unrivaled commitment to openness and diversity. Attracting — and welcoming — the brightest minds in the world, regardless of nationality or country of origin, is what we’re all about.”



“To put it another way, the U.S. university model is a strategic advantage, not a hindrance to American competitiveness. Our administrators, professors and research scholars are not, and should not become, an arm of U.S. law enforcement. Ironically, what the FBI apparently considers our great vulnerability is, in my view, our greatest strength.”


“The unauthorized use of intellectual property by overseas competitors is a serious problem. But the surveillance of foreign-born scholars in this country is the wrong solution. If law enforcement agencies have legitimate concerns, it seems to me that they should identify and monitor those they designate as ‘suspicious people’ based on real threats, not broad worries about entire nationalities.”





“Universities cannot start monitoring their own people. That is not who we are. ”


"The atmosphere of dynamism and openness to which they contribute has made American institutions of higher learning the envy of the world. We should be doing more, not less, to attract and retain them."


More than 340,000 Chinese students are reportedly studying in the United States, as of last year. And according to the China Scholarship Council, China in 2018 planned to fund 10,313 students to study in the US, and 331 (3.2 percent) failed to enter the US due to visa problems. In the first quarter of 2019, the rate soared to 13.5 percent.


U.S. intelligence agencies are encouraging American research universities to develop protocols for monitoring students and visiting scholars from Chinese state-affiliated research institutions, as U.S. suspicion toward China spreads to academia.


Since last year, FBI officials have visited at least 10 members of the Association of American Universities, a group of 62 research universities. FBI officials have also urged universities to review ongoing research involving Chinese individuals that could have defense applications.

印第安納大學的研究副院長Fred Cate接受NPR採訪時表示,他們被要求去了解他們(外國學生)所在的實驗室,或者他們被透露了什麼資訊。“這不是調查可疑行為的問題,實際上則是針對特定國家以及那個國家的人群。”

"We are being asked what processes are in place to know what labs they are working at or what information they are being exposed to," Fred Cate, vice president of research at Indiana University, tells NPR. "It's not a question of just looking for suspicious behavior — it's actually really targeting specific countries and the people from those countries."


Several university presidents have issued statements this year reaffirming their commitment to Chinese researchers and students.





"In recent weeks, the Berkeley administration has received several reports of negative comments directed at our Chinese-American faculty, as well as at researchers engaged in collaborations with Chinese companies and institutions, implying without basis that these scholars could be acting as spies or otherwise working at odds with the interests of the United States. "


"Let us be clear that comments of this sort breed hurt and distrust, discriminate against members of our community, and run counter to our well-established Principles of Community."


"At a time when national security issues involving foreign countries make the front pages of our newspapers, it is critical that we not become any less welcoming to students, staff, faculty, visiting scholars, and other members of our community who come from those countries, or for whom those countries are an ancestral home."



"Such practices to obstruct people-to-people and cultural exchanges based on blood and race win the hearts of no one. Friendly nongovernmental exchanges are the foundation of China-US relations. If normal personnel exchanges are artificially cut off, how can relations between the two major countries be maintained and developed?"

綜合來源:海外網,央視新聞,觀察者網,Washington Post,哥大全球中心微信公眾號,環球網,外交部官方網站

