
2019-09-13 11:35:46


時隔3個多月,CGTN主播劉欣繼“中美女主播跨洋對話”之後第二次對話美國主流媒體↓↓↓劉欣在微博上大方表示“With great pleasure!”。

After taking on Fox Business anchor Trish Regan in May, CGTN anchor Liu Xin appeared on U.S. mainstream media again on Tuesday.



Liu appeared as a guest on CNBC's "Squawk on the Street," which aired on the morning of September 3. A potential rematch with Regan was canceled this week, with the Fox host citing a "scheduling conflict." Once again, Liu's presence brought China's perspective to the world.




劉欣:日子照舊 沒大影響



On China's response to the latest U.S. move to increase tariffs on Chinese imports, Liu mentioned China's countermeasure to increase duties of 5 to 10% on a variety of goods from the U.S.

Liu admitted that the Chinese economy has been hurt, adding that both sides would suffer great losses from the trade war. No one "wants things to get even worse."

China aims to reach a deal, but it is vital that the U.S. side creates the conditions to make the resumption of negotiations possible. However, President Trump's position to impose additional tariffs this September 1 is not in the right direction for talks to resume soon.




劉欣:就業增長 國內消費動力強勁



According to Liu, Trump's claim that the trade war is taking effect by relocating jobs and supply chains in China to other countries like Vietnam is totally untenable. 

 “Actually, this started a couple of years ago. Since 2015, companies already started to move to places where costs were lower, to Africa as well. So this is simple economics and we’re not going to put tariffs on African countries or Bangladesh or Vietnam.”

It is in fact the outcome of China's upgraded supply chain. 


The Chinese economy remains strong. Liu cited that the revenue from the private sector actually went up in July. "They're very resilient. They're very resourceful. You know they're small, so they're flexible. If they see there's some uncertainty here, they may immediately find something else to do."


According to a Member Survey published by the US-China Business Council in August 2019, the majority of American companies surveyed remain committed to the China market and few are currently divesting existing operations.

圖片來源:US-China Business Council







The survey also shows that only 5 percent of survey respondents report were asked to transfer technology in the past three years.

圖片來源:US-China Business Council







When talking about the decreasing number of Chinese tourists to the U.S., Liu highlighted that it is not the Chinese people who do not want to visit America, it is the U.S. that is sending messages that Chinese tourists are not welcome. 

"I was in the American embassy getting the visa for this. I was really surprised at the huge long queue that I had to wait in. I think people have a lot of enthusiasm."

She also mentioned that Chinese students are also suspected of being spies. Liu stressed, "It doesn't really help very much."


According to the China Scholarship Council, 182 government-funded students and scholars failed to get into the US because of visa restrictions from January to March-13.5 percent of the total. Only 3.2 percent of the total 10,313 government-funded students and scholars were unable to go to the US as a result of visa restrictions in 2018.


Since last year, the US has revoked or reexamined the visas of some Chinese citizens under the pretext of "counterespionage", which has spread from the natural science sector to the social sciences.


"These actions have hurt the dignity of Chinese students in the United States, and also seriously hurt the feelings of the Chinese people," said Xu Yongji, an official with the ministry.






Compared with the live discussion between CGTN anchor Liu Xin and Fox Business Network host Trish Regan in May, the appearance of Liu Xin on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” this time was more like a “dialogue” than “debate”. Liu Xin said in the exclusive interview: “I didn’t want to debate with them. I just want to provide them with a whole new angle to understand the China-U.S. issue.”



綜合來源:CGTN,中國日報雙語新聞微信公眾號, US-China Business Council

