
2019-09-13 11:35:41




Justin Bieber was in a reflective mood on Sep 2 as he shared a lengthy post to his Instagram laying out the struggles he's faced in his life.

The Canadian hitmaker, who's 25, spoke about being overwhelmed by life and how child stardom had left him 'a shell of a person' unequipped for the pressures and responsibilities his success would bring.

'It's hard to get out of bed in the morning with the right attitude when you are overwhelmed with your life, your past, job, responsibilities, emotions, your family, finances, your relationships,' he wrote. 'Sometimes it can even get to the point where you don't even want to live anymore.'


I went from a 13 year old boy from a small town to being praised left and right by the world with millions saying how much they loved me and how great I was. You hear these things enough as a young boy and you actually start believing it.

“I was 18 with no skills in the real world, with millions of dollars and access to whatever I wanted. This is a very scary concept for anyone.”

“By 20 I made every bad decision you could have thought of and went from one of the most loved and adored people in the world to the most ridiculed, judged and hated person in the world!”


“I became resentful, disrespectful to women, and angry. I became distant to everyone who loved me, and I was hiding behind a shell of a person that I had become.”


“Now I am navigating the best seas on of my life "MARRIAGE"!! which is an amazing crazy new responsibility. You learn patience, trust, commitment, kindness, humility and all of the things it looks like to be a good man.”

最後,他還鼓勵了粉絲們,告訴他們哪怕勝算不大,也要努力奮鬥 (even when the odds are against you, keep fighting)。


來源:Daily Mail

